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Overview of What the Teacher Role Grants Access To  
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Overview of What the Teacher Role Grants Access To

Location:  Learning Management/Courses

Overview: In this video, we briefly review what the Teacher Role grants access to in the Account Manager.

Review Summary of Tasks available to Teacher with Teacher Role Access

Summary of Tasks available to Teacher with Teacher Role Access

By assigning the Learning Management System (LMS) Teacher option under Account Manager Access as found within a Contact record, you can allow a contact who is assigned to be a teacher of an online course to also have access to a limited number of features that may be needed to manage an online course.

At this time the following can be viewed or managed by a teacher with the limited Teacher Access Role course access setting:

  • View course in classroom option to see what the students view of the classroom is.
  • View Student Course Records with modified edit privileges to unregister or modify course access settings.
  • View Course Calendar list of Event Modules with dates, and supported privileges to click through to View Mode and Mark or Unmark a student as attended. 
  • View Course Modules List with dates available to students and supported privileges to click through to View Mode and Mark or Unmark a student as completed.
  • View into the Content Modules where you can visit the Students’ Progress section and Mark or Unmark a module as completed for a module.
  • Send Broadcast Email to all registered students in the course.
  • Write teacher level internal notes on the course.
  • View an overview of recent student activities.
  • Send a message to all students, or send a private messages to individual students via the internal message sysetm,
  • Review documents that have been uploaded to the Dropbox by students, and/or upload a document to show in the Documents section of the course classroom for all students to see. 
  • Create course announcements.
  • View a printable roster for the course.
  • View Students contact list with view of relevant contact info.
  • And more.

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