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Create a Master Program Course for Use with Registration Service  
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Create a Master Program Course for Use with Registration Service

Location: Learning Management/Courses -> click the New button to open the Course Editor

Registration Service Overview: As part of our advanced course registration features available in the Learning Management System, we offer the ability for students to self-register for courses under the umbrella of broader master course program course. This service then allows you to create programs that have an unlimited number of courses as a part of the program.

The Registration Service manages student registrations, including the monitoring of prerequisites, and equivalent registrations, without needing the student to go through the shopping cart for each registration.

The service presents as a content module within the Master Program Course and lists out all related courses with a register button.

In this module we touch on:

Create the Master Program Course

Master Course Overview: A Master Program Course is a course you create that will become the umbrella course, or master course for a program. This idea of having a master course is best used when you have many courses that need to be associated with and taken under the auspices of a single program.

To create a Master Program Course, just click New in the Courses Finder and create the course just as you would a normal course. There is no special setting in the course editor at this time to designate a course as a Master Program Course, but a good tip is to plan to set up categories to assign to the various levels of the Master and Sub Courses to assist with several aspects of the set-up.

Another tip is to set the content in the Master Program Course to be an orientation to the program, offer some modules on how to use the LMS and what to expect from the online program etc, and just keep it simple. Then the last page of the course could be the content module with the Registration Service, so students can then jump into registering for their first course in the program via the Registration Service.

Learn More: Add the Registration Service to the Master Program Course

Add Related Courses to the Master Program Course

The next step after creating the Master Program Course is to associated Related Courses into the Master Course.  The courses associated as related courses will populate the list of available courses in the master course registration service.  You can associate the courses individually, and/or as a group of courses associated in the Related Courses Sections of the Master Program Course Editor.

Learn More: Add Related Courses to the Master Program Course

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