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Course: 01 Web Content Editing Tools
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Basic Text Formatting: Bold, Text Align, Bullet Lists etc  
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Basic Text Formatting: Bold, Text Align, Bullet Lists etc

Overview: Learn the very basics of formatting your website copy.

In this module we cover the following text formatting tools:

Located on the second row you can see the following basic text editing functions.

(Note that you can mouse over any of the tool icons and it will tell you what the tool does.)

On the second row you will find:

Undo/Redo Changes [Arrows] You can click these buttons multiple times in a row to remove or add back multiple layers of changes as needed.

Bold [B] -This is a toggle type tool so you can highlight non-bold text and click the B to Bold, or highlight bolded text and click the B to un-bold. 

Italic [I]- Similar to Bold this is also a toggle type tool. This tool adds an italic style to the highlighted text.

Align Left, Align Center, Align Right and Justify Alignment . To apply a text align setting, highlight a paragraph and click to apply as desired.

Bullet and Numbered Lists - These list items always need to be created by using the Enter or Return key on the keyboard as they are always dependent on a paragraph break to define the next list item. 

Increase and Decrease Indent - Place your cursor at the beginning of the paragraph and click the add or remove indent buttons as desired to move the paragraph's indent.

Clear Formatting [Tx]   - Removes any inline styles you have applied to your text. You can click this button multiple times in a row to remove multiple layers of formatting if needed. Note this button does not remove the Header (H1 - H6 ) styles. To  remove a Header style, visit the Styles pull down and select Paragraph: Normal form that menu.

How to Create a Single Line Break

* A Note about Single Line Break By default in all web programs, pressing Enter on your keyboard creates a double space or "paragraph break." To create a single line break, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and then press the Enter key (Shift+Enter).

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