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Classroom Options Section

Location:  Learning Management/Courses/Course Editor -> Classroom Options Section

Overview:  The Classroom Options Section is where you can set various settings at the Course/Classroom level. Notably you can turn on/off  the facilities and services that show as available links in the left menu of the Course. Here you can also adjust Teacher Notification settings and other settings.

The Following Options are Found In this Section:

Summary of Settings Available in the Course Editor/Classroom Options:

Notify Teacher(s)

Mange the Following Course Level Email Notifications to Teachers:

  • Send Notification Email to Teacher(s) when Student Starts Course
  • Send Notification Email to Teacher(s) when Student Completes Course

Show Module Content

When revisiting Assignment, Chapter, Content or Event Modules, show Student:

  • Exact same content they first saw in the Module 
  • Most recently updated content for the Module

Allow Student Messaging

Mange the Following Course Level Messaging Settings:

  • With All Teachers
  • With Individual Teachers
  • With All Students
  • With Individual Students

Classroom Services

These optional classroom services will appear as links in the left menu of the classroom:

  • Include Announcements
    This setting is typically defaulted to be included, but if you may wish for it to not show in the course if announcements are not necessary for your course set up.  Announcements will still show in the Learning Center page by default. Learn More about Announcements
  • Include Documents
    This setting will provide the option for there to be one reference page in the left menu of the course where students can find a list of all documents associated with the course. This can facilitate ease in finding all documents for a course in one place regardless of whether they are associated with a content module. Note: You do not need to include this options for documents associated within content modules to show in the content module itself.
  • Include Multimedia (Audio and Video Files) 
    This setting will provide the option for there to be one reference page in the left menu of the course where students can find a list of all multimedia (audio and video files) associated with the course. This can facilitate ease in finding all multimedia for a course in one place regardless of whether they are associated with a content module. Note: You do not need to include this options for multimedia associated within content modules to show in the content module itself.
  • Include Forms
    This option allows you to provide links to forms you have created under Marketing Automation/Forms on the left menu of the course. It’s important to note that these are external forms, and do not associate the results into the student course record or with the course.  If you need to have a form associated within the context of the course, it may be best to use the assessment module for this purpose.
  • Include Links
    This setting will provide the option for there to be one reference page in the left menu of the course where students can find a list of all links such as external links, links to reference articles and documents etc. associated with the course. This can facilitate ease in finding all links for a course in one place regardless of whether they are associated with a content module. Note: You do not need to include this options for links associated within content modules to show in the content module itself.
  • Include Dropbox
    This option allows you to Include an upload facility in the course so that students can upload documents and send them to the teachers as well as have them associated with their student course record for the course. This will be important if you will be asking students to turn in homework with their assignments. Learn More about Dropbox
  • Include Gradebook
    The Gradebook option when checked, will show as a left menu item in a course that shows a list of all the assignments for the course, the status, date taken, passing percent, and what grade the student earned.
  • Include Forum
    This setting will provide the option for there to be one reference page in the left menu of the course where students can find a list of all forum threads associated with the course. This can facilitate ease in finding forum threads for a course in one place independent of which content module they are associated in. Note: You do need to include this option for forums if you want to use forum threads in content modules as it creates the forum in the background and associates it to the course.
  • Include Messages 
    This option allows you to Include an internal messaging facility in the course so that students can send private messages to other students and/or teachers of a course. These messages are stored within the LMS and will be associated with their student course record for the course as well as inside the admin view of the course. This can be useful as for instance if you choose to use external email instead of the internal messaging will not allow the system to log the messages into the student activity record or course object.
  • Include Student Directory
    Include this option if you would like to include list of names for all students registered in the course along with their email addresses. This list would be available for any other student in the course to see.
  • Include Teacher Directory
    Include this option if you would like to include list of names for all teachers registered to teach the course along with their email addresses. This list would be available for any student in the course to see.
  • Include Option for Student to Cancel Their Registration For Registration Service use only.
    If you are using the Registration Service, and would like students to be able to unregister themselves from a  course, use this option to provide a page on the left menu of the course with the Cancel Registration button. Learn more about Course Registration Service 

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