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Product Item Inventory and Tracking

Location: Ecommerce/Products / Product Editor / Product Items Section -> Item Inventory 

Overview: With the Item Inventory setting you can set whether a product item is not limited in inventory and thus not tracked, or you can track inventory by setting this option to Limited.

Inventory: Set to Limited to enable inventory tracking, or leave at No Limit to bypass inventory tracking.

Remaining Inventory: If you are tracking inventory, you will want to be sure to also set the Remaining Available Inventory with a numeric value as this is the field the system uses to track how many items are sold/returned to inventory. When this value reaches zero, the system will put up a sold out message in place of the add to cart button to disallow the purchase of any more of this item.

Enable Waitlist/Back Order notifications: You may also choose to enable a wait list once inventory reaches zero on an item. To do this select to enable wait list setting located with a checkbox within this same item level setting inventory fields. If checked, the system will put up an email capture form with a default system message advising the customer to add their email to be put on a "notify when available" email list.

Starting Inventory: The Starting Inventory setting is designed to be a static initial count and is an optional setting. It is however used in some important instances especially with courses and events registrations to rectify inventory discrepancies that may occur due to abandoned orders, so depending on your needs, it may be an important to set this value for the starting inventory.

Item Quantity Limit Per Order: In the Product Item Inventory section you can also find the setting to restrict how many items can be purchased in one order by using the Quantity Limits per Order setting. You can set a minimum and/or maximum setting as needed by entering numeric values. If you do not wish to limit order item quantities, just leave the default values in place.

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