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Blog Functionality

By Sallee Haerr  September 23, 2020

Is your blog doing what you want it to do? Are readers finding you? Does your blog service give you the stats you need to even know this? What is the purpose of blogging anyway?

Other than being a fun and creative way to express yourself, blogging is a way to get your message out there and to show that you are an expert in whatever you are an expert in. The key is to make sure your message reaches whoever you are trying to reach, the niche market specific to your product and/or your message.

From an internet marketing perspective, here are some of our suggestions for what features to look for:

  • Search engines get pinged - when you update or post a new article, all the search engines should automatically get pinged.
  • Allows search by categories - If you have a lot of content organized around any number of categories, it is great to have a link to a page that displays all the articles assigned to a particular category
  • Display by author -if you have multiple authors for your blog, the blog would show a list of the authors with a link to a page that displays the articles written by that author 
  • Spam screening on comments - This feature alone could save you many hours of work deleting spam from a popular blog. 
  • Trackback links - so others can link to your content and you can see who is linking to your site.
  • Reporting tool - gives you the stats on how many visitors, how many have subscribed to your RSS feed.

Here is a comparison chart of some of the blog software out there that

As part of the fully integrated services we provide our clients, Full Partner offers the ability to keep a blog on your own website which offers all of the above features and MORE.  

Fill out this form for a free consultation on how Full Partner can help with your website project,
or call 800-778-0317, ext 1 to speak to a Web Business Strategist now.


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